Conferences & Consultations
Academic conferences

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The second Living Lightly conference which was hosted at the IISER Campus in Pune in February 2019 brought together young scholars who presented their ongoing research on India’s major pastoral communities from different ecological landscapes. Additionally the conference hosted a round table for young scholars to discuss bottlenecks and issues they face in undertaking their research work.
Senior academics who served as discussants to each of the papers, also met on the sidelines to discuss possible collaborative work. This was a less structured discussion that hoped to take forward deliberations that started in 2016 on potential pathways, mechanisms and agendas for advancing collaborative research within the group.
Several noted researchers and practitioners including Siddhartha Krishnan, Abi Vanak, Anita Sharma, Purnendu Kavoori, Vasant Saberwal, Matthieu Salpeteur and Nitya Ghotge were present at the conference. Detailed report of the conference can be downloaded here.